Friday, January 13, 2012

Ends a Chapter in my BENer life

A few days ago marks the end of a chapter. I still have 7 more chapters to go through with my BENer (Bachelor in English) stage of life. I haven't been narrating my story of the first chapter as well I had wanted to since there wasn't many updates. The most that I did update was of me being pissed with something or someone. I know, emo train. Can't get of that one.

But, it's 2012. I have new resolution to try and uphold to. But before I move forward with me life, let me summarize the major events that happened in UniSZA this semester.

Starting of the semester, I registered in UniSZA. Registration sucked because of its inefficiency and bad service. First week of classes was interesting. I registered 6 subject for this semester which were:
1) History of English
2) English for Communication
3) Public Speaking
4) Language and Linguistics
5) Bahasa Melayu and Komunikasi
6) Akidah dan Akhlak

In that exact order, I would rank how cool and interesting each of them were with Akidah and Akhlak being the last. For god's sake. I have never met the most disgusting, vile and lazy teacher in all my life. He literally did not teach us anything at all. All through out the semester, he did not teach. He made us do presentations that we never pay attention to. That was the class I never learned anything except from my own (forced) reading because I still need to score on the final somehow. Even then, I don't know squat if you were to question me now.

The most I have learned was from History of English. I mean, people say it's hard but I find all those historical fiction, Harry Potter verse, king Arthur and Merlin stories I've been reading finally have a foundation...a..sort of base I could place my fantasies in. Throughout the course, everything was informational. I actually picked up an educational book to read out of interest from cover to cover. History of English really gave me insight in how English was born. Besides, it's so fun gossiping about dead people, right? Like...what's up with King Henry VIII, am I right? Or Chaucer? ;) And PakJamil really made it even more fun. ^_^

Linguistics was bummer. Not the subject or the teacher though. I love Linguistics! My lecturer was a.w.e.s.o.m.e! The only lecturer that made us butt heads in a quiz, do lots of activities and crack jokes all throughout lessons. It was just, being an ex-diploma student in UniSZA gives us the privileged to drop a few subjects and Linguistics was one of them. However, it was partly my fault. I sent in my form so late that the Dean didn't even consider it. So, I had to still take it. Though, even if I did drop it, I would still go to classes. I mean, I'd be missing out on a lot if I didn't go! :D

Public Speaking gave me an outlook on the mechanics that are involved in giving a speech in public. I lecturer did a lot to help it get through our thick skull and I learned a few tricks of the trade. The only regret I had for this class is that it is too big! 63 students?!? Should work on that.

BM? Nothing on this. I hate BM since the dawn of time. BM and I were never amigos. So, my lecturer, even though cool and nice got boring by association with the subject. This class did not interest me one bit. It didn't interest me back in kindergarten, primary or secondary, it certainly will not interest me now.

Well, that's all on the subjects. Now, about my classmates. Sometimes I feel like it is a jungle. Survival of the fittest. Sometimes, we're all chums and buddies. It's confusing. Nevertheless, there are a few that single themselves out immediately and had establish the "group". We have:

1) Big Group
2) The Loners
3) Otaku
4) Korean maniacs
5) The Cosmetic Freaks
6) Gossip Girls (include both genders)
7) Mean Girls (include both genders)
8) Still undefined
9) Riders (don't do assignments and conquer assignments)
10) Social-path

Yeahhhhhh. That's about it. I learn to avoid certain groups if I'd love to have my limbs and other body parts intact. When it comes to assignments, I learned to stay well enough away from number 9. Bad experience. Horrible. Can't look at the bitch in the face. Can you believe it? You're doing a pair work assignment with someone. You already divide the work and promise to combine later. However, me being my usually negative self, undersell my own abilities (I always do this) to mighty the princess over there.

She ended up doing my part when I specifically call her MANY BLOODY TIMES WITH BLOODY WITNESSES asking her for HER part to combine. What I heard, she told people, I don't do the bloody work. That's why she had to do my part. Brilliant, princess. But wait! It gets good. Little Princess turns into an Ice Queen when she DID NOT WAIT for me for presentations. She wanted to present without me being there. No, not Ice Queen. More like, DRAG QUEEN.

If I ever am forced to work with this DG, I'm unleashing my sarcasm full blast.
"You are clear with this assignment, right? You do YOUR part, I do MINE."
"Just to be clear, presentation of dual assignment requires TWO people. Let me speak in ANOTHER language so can get it through you pathetic skull, mkay?"

-sighs- Talking about this again just giving me a headache and making me pissed for no good reason. I should put closure to this and put it all behind me. -shrug- Alright! Alright! Closure. I'll leave this post as a closure for my first semester and here's to hoping it stays that way! Amin.

Ciao, mates.

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