Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Mediator

Or in other words, Talam dua muka. 


I have good friends and I love all of them! I respect them and their opinions. 

However, it's hard for me when they have something against each other and start throwing faces at each other and you're suddenly forced into a situation where you're the middle person. I don't want to do it, honestly, but sometimes, you ending up agreeing to both even though their thoughts on each other differ as peanut, butter and jelly differ from each other irrevocably.  

-headdesk- Thus, instead of having them find out from someone else, I'm admitting my mistake here. I am only human. I didn't mean to make you think that I say A to you and to someone else, I'll say B. I wanted to appease your angers, agreeing with your comments wholeheartedly while you were at the heat of the moment. Perhaps maybe even discriminating the person you were angered with along with you. 

Truly what I hold in my heart though? I think all of you are awesome, smexy girls, but let's all love and no hate? T_T There may be something I dislike about you, and I know, there are somethings about me that you may not like as well, but please, we're adults, more then capable of a higher level thinking process. Let's act professionally. 

I stutter. Sometimes an arrogant fool. Obnoxiously loud at most. I forget my friend's birthdays, even my fiancee's. I break promises. I hate when I shouldn't. I love when I should focus. I smile at the oddest times. Laugh. Cry. Made mistakes. I live. I feel. 

Just like how you make mistakes, I do too. I forgive. Let bygones be bygones. 

Peace no war, please? And let's not act like little bitches with sarcasm throwing around like daggers? It's making me very sad. :'(

4 years is still far to long a journey to get through, and I don't feel going through that in blood or fire. 

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